For a optimum burning experience, simply dip your candle wick after each burn.
Simple, chic & effective - Use a METAMELBOURNE Wick Dipper to extinguish candles without the wick smoking. Dip candle wick into liquid wax, lift & re-center. This process of quenching the wick eliminates wick smoldering & adds fuel to the wick for relighting.
A must have to eliminate the smoke that is released when a candle is put out. This wick dripper is 20cm in length and designed to suit all vessels.
Pair with META wick trimmers & take care of the things you love.
When ready to extinguish flame, using hook, simply dip the flame into the wax and pull out again. A coating of wax will remain on the wick which prevents the smoke from being released. The results are; no smoke, no soot build up in jars or home and you can continue to enjoy your beautifully scented environment for many hours.
With love, MM.